If you are not 100% satisfied with your first time purchase within 30 days from the purchase date, we will fully refund the cost of your order. This policy dos not extend to purchases that have been canceled and then repurchased.

Please contact us at support at if you are not completely satisfied within the first 30 days of purchase, and we will refund the payment. Please be sure to get confirmation of your request to avoid any issues.

You can cancel your monthly payment at any time, and the current subscription will stop at the end of that pay period.

NOTE: Refunds are offered on first time sales only. Repurchases and additional licenses do not qualify for refund protection. OF SPECIAL NOTE: Charge-backs will not be accepted under any circumstances; this is why we have a 30 day, 100% satisfaction refund policy. If you are not happy for any reason, please just ask for a refund; all charge-backs will be fought.

Any guaranties do not extend past the above, period. We DO NOT guarantee that the software will improve your ranking, we DO NOT guarantee that the software will work all of the time, We do not guarantee the software will be free of bugs or defects. You have 30 days to decide! Please do so.

If you bought software, that has an associated monthly payment and are asking for (or receiving) a refund of monthly payment, this 100% does NOT entitle you to a refund of the original payment, if that original payment was made more than 30 days before the request.